
This site will feature any match reports and press articles primarily written by Mark Tanner. There are also articles written by guest writers such as Kevin Porter, Steve Bird, Matthew Lee, Wayne Collins and Chip Goverd to name a few.

Any views and comments made in these are of the individual and not official comments of any sports club featured. It’s a chance for writers to publish sports articles and hopefully improve coverage of those clubs covered.

The content will feature articles from Bath and Bristol mainly along with some opinion pieces about sport in general.

Originally the idea was to create a guide for Bath Sports however due to a growing lack to time to devote to writing it has become more of a general sports site now.

After working with Keynsham Town FC, in 2013, I was shocked to see how little information was available about my local sports teams – so that is why I started writing and sharing sports news on this site.

What started off as a personal blog has now evolved into a larger website looking at mainly football but is growing into many other sports as the readership increases.

I will endeavour to give the reader what they want to read and not cover the larger events in the same style as other publications but rather promote teams and events that may not get into larger publications.

So if your team or sport isn’t covered and you would like it to be then get in touch on here or on social media.

The same goes to any aspiring writers, if you want your work viewed by more readers then please submit your articles and have a press release sent out with your name on it.

This site will only continue to grow and flourish if you interact with it, so please spread the word to your friends and family.

I will try and cover as many matches as possible and many of my reports will hopefully get picked up by other publications.

If you are a media outlet who would like to publish any of our work then please get in touch, I only ask that I am informed and that the writer’s name is on it.

Hope you enjoy!


The site’s social media channels are:

Facebook – /mtannersports

Twitter – @mtannersports #keepactive

YouTube – M Tanner Sports